Records and thoughts of Kayla Melton

Author: CDVL

LDR 101: Final Reflection

The reason why I decided to take this course was so I could learn more about myself and what I believe in. This is because, in general, I usually have a neutral opinion on most topics, but I felt like this course has helped me identify my own personal strengths, learn more about my identity and what it means to mean, and how although I am just one individual, I still have power.

We did many assignments in this class that had to do with self-reflection, and to be honest before I decided to take this course I never self-reflected in a way that allowed me to look at my strengths.  Most of the time I would always focus on my weakness and how I should improve on them, but this class helped my realize that although it is good to be aware of your weaknesses, you should also look at your strengths and how you can use those strength to improve yourself. When we took our strength-finder test and discussed our results in class and what we should focus on, it really helped me realize that even though I may have a weakness in one area, I have other people around me who are strong that area. So, when I work in a group my teammates help hold the group together by using the strength that I lack and vice versa. This assignment really helped me understand the importance of teamwork and that sometimes I can’t do everything by myself.

 Overall, I do not have any major identity issues, because although I am mixed, I have never felt held back by my racial identity, but after taking this course it showed me that there are other things that define your identity other than race or gender. I learned that your identity is what you want it to be. The assignment that really allowed me to reflect on this topic is the ethics of women assignment. One of the articles explained how women tend to be more ethical than men when representing themselves rather than representing someone else. The article was interesting to me because I never really thought about it that way. If I am being honest, I do my best to act as ethically as possible at all times, because whether or not I am representing myself in a situation there is always someone I will represent. For example, even if I am off of the softball field and am not wearing my uniform people will still know who I am. The fact that I know in the back of my head that I am not only representing myself, but also someone else makes me want to act more responsibly. Although, the article shared a similar yet somewhat of a different opinion than me showed me that even though I am a woman it does not mean that I am not constrained to a cookie cutter image of a woman. I am my own person and I should be able to have my own beliefs whether or not it is considered normal to my gender or race.

In this class I was able to discuss new topics to me such as women empowerment. I have never really thought about women empowerment as a whole, and I have just always done what I wanted and never thought much about it. I have never felt restrained due to my gender, but I am from a small area and that made me realize that the world is much bigger and I may experience moments where I do feel restricted due to my gender. Hearing the women on the panel and being able to talk to my fellow peers it helped me realize that although I am young and naïve, if I just keep having the same outlook on life as I do now, I will always feel like I have the power to do anything I want. I understand that it is a difficult task to accomplish being able to keep up with that positive outlook on life, but with the help of those around me, I will be able to have power.

Being able to learn all of these things about myself like I am now more compassionate towards others and being able to look at the world through someone else’s point of view. I feel like that was a strength that I lacked in my leadership style before taking this class. I felt that as long as I do what I am supposed to do other people will follow, but after talking with my other classmates and reading articles I learned that everyone is different and sometimes they need a little push.

StrengthsFinder Reflection

               StrengthQuest is an online program that analyses and helps identify what strength a person has. The programs main purpose is to help students identify their strength so they will be able to find the resources to build upon their strengths rather than having the students focus on their weaknesses. My results, from most predominant to least, were communication, strategic, competition, woo, and deliberative. All of the results given in this test are broken up into four main categories: executing, influencing, relationship building, and strategic thinking. My results fall mostly into the influencing category (communication, competition, and woo), but I also have one in executing (deliberative) and another in strategic thinking (strategic).

               My greatest strength according to StrengthQuest is communication, and although I do feel like this is an excellent skill for me to have, I think the one I want people to see the most is strategic. The results under strategic state, “People exceptionally talented in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.” To me this result tells me that people with a strength in the Strategic theme are able to think rationally yet quickly and are able to find solutions to problems. Since I am planning to be a chemistry major, I think this strategic thinking is an extremely important skill. Although I believe this theme is important for my field, the reason why I want to be seen this way by others is because it shows that I am an intelligent person. If others see me as a strategic thinker, it shows that I am a level headed and rational person. Even though there are plenty of other themes that can also show case my intellectual abilities, the Strategic theme is the one that I find the most important to me.

               If I am being honest, I do not have a solid step by step plan of how I plan to personally take action or how I plan to spend my time here at Agnes Scott working on that plan. I know that none of this sounds very reassuring to most, but to be honest I haven’t found anything that has made me want to take action. Even though this is true, I believe my time here at Agnes Scott as well as gaining the knowledge of my strengths, I will eventually be able to find something or some way I want to take the incitive to take action.

               I now know that my strength is being able to take charge of a situation and making sure that my voice to be heard as well as the voices of those around me, and this is what I believe is the best way I can contribute to my team. I believe that with my strength in the communication and the woo category, I will be able to make sure that my group is able to efficiently get our voice out as a collective whole and be able to take charge of our group discussions when needed. Even though it may just sound like I am being arrogant, I just want to be the megaphone that the group uses to help express what we feel.

My First Impressions

Due to the recent circumstances, my first year isn’t quite what I expected, but I don’t anyone’s was. Since our first semester is online, it is quite different then actually moving onto campus, but it is still enjoyable all the same. I am currently taking Calculus 1, Chemistry 150, Japanese, Leadership of Women in STEM, and Macroeconomics. Although they are a lot of work, on top of being a student athlete, the school has made it very doable.

I have not meet all of my teammates on the softball team yet, but all the girls so far have made me feel very welcome and I really appreciate it! I hope that we will be able to go on to campus second semester so I can meet everyone in person and get to know them better!

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